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United Nations

"ActNow" is a United Nations campaign promoting individual action on climate change and sustainability. Part of the campaign encourages people to reduce food waste, eat healthier meals and shop with reusable bags.The United Nations designated 2021 as the "International Year of Fruits and Vegetables" providing an opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of fruits and vegetables in nutrition, health and food security, while also increasing awareness of the U.N. sustainable development goals with the closing ceremony for the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables scheduled for Feb. 24, 2022. The initiative began in 2015 when countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. The 17 goals were agreed upon by all 193 U.N. member states in a global effort to end poverty, ensure prosperity and protect the planet.

United Nations Banana Stamp
Date of Issue: February 22, 2022
Series: Trolls Food Heroes

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© Derrick Grose, 2022