Colima is Mexico's fourth smallest state. Its name is derived from the volcano that is featured at the base the state coat of arms (pictured above as displayed on the doors of the governor's palace in city of Colima). In the Nahauatl language "colli" means hill, volcano, grandfather and "maitl" means "place conquered by our grandparents" or "the land where the old god commands." The "old god" is the fire god of the volcano.

Volcan de Fuego de Colima the Volcano of fire rises
to 12 989 feet towering over the city and emitting smoke and sulphurous fumes.

A large pre-Columbian Indian city was recently discovered during excavations for a shopping centre on the outskirts of the city of Colima. Archeological excavations are under way. Temple structures were aligned with the Colima volcano which is one of two volcanoes in Mexico that are now active. In the eleventh century Colima was known to the Aztecs as Cajitlan, "where pottery is made."

Pre-Columbian ruins currently being excavated in Colima with the volcano in the background.



Ceramic Dog found
in ruins in Colima.

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