Cu Chi Tunnels

The Cu Chi Tunnels complex can be visited at a site approximately 60 kilometres
northwest of Ho Chi Minh City. The tunnel complex is over 200 kilometres long and
includes everything necessary to support an army, from hospitals, kitchens and mess
halls, to headquarters facilities. The tunnels gave Viet Cong forces the apparent
ability to appear out of nowhere and disappear into nothing after an attack.

A diaroma in the Cu Chi Tunnels orientation centre reveals the complexity of the tunnel structures. Narrow passages, booby traps and submarine exits on river banks made it difficult to capture the soldiers concealed underground.

A closeup of the diaorama reveals how smoke from the kitchen is filtered through three
chambers before it appears on the surface as an almost undetectable whisp of smoke.

Chambers like this connected to the network through the floor
and wall provide accommodation for officers and soldiers alike.

On the grounds surrounding the tunnels there are examples of
bobby traps (notice the pungi sticks at the bottom of the pit)
employed by the Viet Cong and other displays of the war of liberation.




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