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Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile
Government-in-Exile Souvenir Sheet
for London Stamp Exhibition in November 1943

Government-in-Exile Souvenir Sheet
Commemorative sheet issued for the exhibition to commemorate
the 25th Anniversary of the independence of Czechoslovakia.

In November 1943, the Czechoslovak government in exile in London sponsored an exhibition of Czechoslovak postage stamps to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the independence of Czechoslovakia. The exhibition was held in Grosvenor Place and was attended by many of the government officials.

This commemorative sheet was issued specifically for the exhibition.

The image of the three men in the top stamp shows Edvard Beneš, Tomáš Masaryk, and General Milan Stefánik. They all campaigned for independence for Czechoslovakia whilst in exile during the first world war. Masaryk became the republic's first president.

This exhibition gave a boost to the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society that had been founded by J. Tauber, a London stamp dealer, in 1942. However, the society was closely linked to the Free Czechoslovak Forces and, as a result, the society dissolved after most Czechoslovak soldiers left for France in the late summer of 1944.


"1943 Exhibition of Czechoslovak Stamps in London." Czechs in Exile. 24 Mar. 2009.
     Czechoslovak Government in Exile Research Society. Web. 3 May 2014.

"History of the Society." Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain. 2010. Web. 3 May 2014.

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